SSIS and Oracle All Your Non-options

Why do some things have to be so hard?

I have been asking myself that question for the better part of two weeks as I wrestle with SSIS 2008 R2 and getting data out of Oracle and into SQL Server.

It’s like the shell game, only with drivers.

Like, go native man!

Like anyone else working in SSIS and dealing with Oracle I started with the default drivers that ship with SSIS. Technically, they work. There are a couple of glaring caveats. They only work in 32 bit mode. Huge non starter on our 64 bit system. They are slow. I know that’s like saying the sky is blue, especially if you don’t have any context. Well I do have some context. Migrating packages from DTS to SSIS I’ve got historical run times and also did some test runs before actually converting the packages. The native 32 bit drivers were slower or just equal to the equivalent on the SQL Server 2000 box running the Oracle 8 drivers. They don’t return the proper metadata column data types. Everything comes back as a wide string a.k.a. st_wstr or varchar for you table creating types. Decimal(18,2)? Thats a varchar(50) for you. varchar(10)? You guessed it, varchar(50) should do it! This beyond anything else was probably the biggest problem.

No, only use what Oracle provides!

I decided to install the Oracle drivers. Let the pain begin!
First, you have to create an account on the Oracle Developer Network site. Really? I just need some drivers. I guess it could have been worse, like a sharp stick to the eye. You need to download the 32 bit and the 64 bit driver packs. Each one weighs in at 700MB compressed. They do include a ton of tools that I have no clue how to use, thats a bonus. Here is your sharp stick to the eye as you get to use of one of the worst installers in the history of installers. After about a dozen tries I finally found out the magic combination to get only the drivers cutting out about 1.3GB from being piled onto my server. Oh, and you get to do it twice. Next, as you look at where it put the drivers at you realize that each install is named client, client_1 and so on. No clue at all which is the 32 bit or 64 bit install bits. Get that figured out, you can go fix your borked path. The installer will gladly stick its path right at the beginning giving your hours of fun trying to figure out exactly what is broken. That is if your path isn’t already too long and it just skips this bit for you. And finally, you get to manually add a system variable pointing to your tnsnames.ora file usually stored in /app/<nt login>/11.2/client/network/tnsnames.ora

After all your hard work you are rewarded with Ole Db, ADO and ADO.Net drivers HUZZAH!
First thing I found out is the Ole Db drivers work as well as the native drivers as far as metadata is concerned. Performance was better. The ADO and ADO.Net do take it up a notch. You do get some additional metadata goodness from these drivers. I did get decimal and float types back but pretty much every string came back as st_wstr again. It would size correctly them that was nice. It did mean I had to add conversion from wide string to string. On a table with 86 columns and 64 million records this also was a bad combination. You do get to run in both 32 bit and 64 bit.

Use what random people on twitter recommend!

Well, not quite that bad. I posted a 14o character version of this post to the mighty #sqlhelp hashtag and lo’ my friend Merrill Aldrich (twitter|blog) and he simply said “Can you use the Attunity connector? #sqlhelp” Huh? When I did a search for just Attunity it brought me to their website I didn’t see exaclty what Merrill was talking about. Doing a search for Attunity Connector brought me to the gold I’d been looking for Apparently, Attunity makes connectors for Oracle and Teradata and releases them for F R E E. There are two versions currently 1.2 for SSIS 2008 R2 and 2.0 for SSIS 2012. The installer is rough but not Oracle rough. One of the nice things is installing the 64 bit drivers also installs the 32 bit drivers. Unless you have a problem with the installer and the 64 bit installer only installs the 32 bit drivers. After a few searches and a few more failed install attempts I found that you need to install the Visual C++ 2008 SP1 redistributable package. I only needed to do this on my server since I had Visual Studio 2010 already installed on my laptop. Once that was done the installer worked just fine. Except it really didn’t “install” everything. You still have to manually add them to your toolbox sidebar for data flows before you will see the source and destination connectors for Oracle. It’s totally worth it.

First off with a bang, all the metadata returned was 100% spot on. No more fussing with conversion steps or guessing what the data type should be. They are faster. Not by a small margin ether. On 50~ packages they were around 25% or more faster than the Oracle provided drivers. You still need to have a TNS names file you can’t use the machine name, port and service name directly. (that I know of)

And there was much joy to be had.

I do think it is sad that neither Microsoft or Oracle has a good solution to this issue. I’m glad Microsoft is supporting Attunity I wished they would ship them by default. As for Oracle, I know why Oracle developers and DBA’s get paid so much. If getting drivers installed was this hard I can’t imagine getting the whole database setup and going, ugh.

The Fundamentals of Storage Systems – Shared Consolidated Storage Systems

Shared Consolidated Storage Systems – A Brief History

Hey, “Shared Consolidated Storage Systems” did you just make that up? Why yes, yes I did.

For as long as we have had computers there has been a need to store and retrieve data. We have covered the basics of hard disks, RAID and solid state storage. We have looked at all of this through the aspect of being directly attached to a single server. It’s time we expand to attaching storage pools to servers via some kind of network. The reason I chose to say shared and consolidated storage instead of just SAN or Storage Area Network was to help define, broaden and give focus to what we really mean when we say SAN, NAS, Fibre Channel or even iSCSI. To understand where we are today we need to take a look back at how we got here.

Once, There Were Mainframes…

Yep, I know you have heard of these behemoths. They still roam the IT Earth today. Most of us live in an x86 world though. We owe much to Mainframes. One of these debts is networked storage. Way back when, I’m talking like the 1980’s now, Mainframes would attach to their storage via a system bus. This storage wasn’t internal the way we think of direct attached storage though. They had massive cables running from the Mainframe to the storage pods. The good folks at IBM and other big iron builders wanted to simplify the standard for connecting storage and other peripherals.


Who doesn’t love working with these cables?

You could never lose this terminator!

Out With The 1960’s And In with the 1990’s!

Initially IBM introduced it’s own standard in the late 80’s to replace the well aged bus & tag and other similar topologies with something that was more robust and could communicate over optical fiber. ESCON was born. The the rest of the industry backed Fibre Channel which is a protocol that works over optical fiber or copper based networks, more importantly it would be driven by a standards body and not a single vendor. Eventually, Fibre Channel won out. In 1994 Fibre Channel was ratified and became the defacto standard even IBM got on board. Again, we are still talking about connecting storage to a single Mainframe, longer connections were possible and the cabling got a lot cleaner though. To put this in perspective, SQL Server 4.2 was shipping at that point with 6.0 right around the corner.

High Performance Computing  and Editing Video.

One of the other drivers for Fibre Channel was the emerging field of High Performance Computing (HPC) and the need to connect multiple mainframes or other compute nodes to backend storage. Now we are really starting to see storage attached via a dedicated network that is shared among many computers. High end video editing and rendering farms also drove Fibre Channel adoption. Suddenly, those low end pc-based servers had the ability to connect to large amounts of storage just like the mainframers’.

Commodity Servers, Enterprise Storage.

Things got interesting when Moore’s Law kicked into high gear. Suddenly you could buy a server from HP, Dell or even Gateway. With the flood of cheaper yet powerful servers containing either an Intel, MIPS, PPC or Alpha chip you didn’t need to rely on the mainframe so heavily. Coupled with Fibre Channel and suddenly you had the makings for a modern system. One of the biggest challenges in this emerging commodity server space was storage management. Can you deal with having hundreds of servers and thousands of disks without any real management tools? What if you needed to move some unused storage from server A to Server B? People realized quickly that maintaining all these islands of storage was costly and also dangerous. Even if they had RAID systems if someone didn’t notice the warnings you could lose whole systems and the only people who knew something was up was the end user.

Simplify, Consolidate, Virtualize and Highly Available

Sound familiar? With the new age of networked storage we needed new tools and methodologies. We also gained some nifty new features. Network attached storage became much more than a huge hard drive. To me, if you are calling your storage solution a SAN it must have a few specific features.


Your SAN solution must use standard interconnects. That means if it takes a special cable that only your vendor sells it doesn’t qualify. In this day and age, if a vendor is trying to lock you into specific interface cards and cables they are going to go the way of the dodo very quickly. Right now the two main flavors are Fiber Optics and copper twisted pair a.k.a Ethernet. It must also reduce your management overhead this usually means a robust software suite above and beyond your normal RAID card interface.


It must be able to bring all your storage needs together under one management system. I’m not just talking disks. Tape drives and other storage technologies like deduplication appliances are in that category. The other benefit to consolidation is generally much better utilization of these resources. Again, this falls back to how robust the software stack that your SAN or NAS comes with.


It must be able to abstract low level storage objects away from the attached servers allowing things like storage pools. This plays heavily into the ability to manage the storage that is available to a server and maintain consistency and up time. How easily can I add a new volume? Is it possible to expand a volume at the SAN level without having to take the volume off-line? Can other resources share the same volumes enabling fun things like clustering?

Highly Available

If you are moving all your eggs into one HUGE basket it better be one heck of a basket. Things like redundant controllers where one controller head can fail but the SAN stays on line without any interruption to the attached servers. Multiple paths into and out of the SAN so you can build out redundant network paths to the storage. Other aspects like SAN to SAN replication to move your data to a completely different storage network in the same room or across the country may be available for a small phenomenal add on fee.

If your SAN or NAS hardware doesn’t support these pillars then you may be dealing with something as simple as a box of disks in a server with a network card. Realize that most SANs and NAS’es are just that. Specialized computers with lots of ways to connect with them and some really kick-ass software to manage it all.

Until Next Time…

Now that we have a bit of history and a framework we will start digging deep into specific SAN and NAS implementations. Where they are strong and where they fall flat.

One Great Day And Mixed Feelings

If it happens two times then you know the first time wasn’t a fluke.

Today was my anniversary date for the SQL Server MVP award. I wasn’t expecting to be renewed. I was though. Three of my friends weren’t added to the MVP roster. All three of them have put in the time and work. If this was as simple of do X and Y get MVP it would be easy to say you didn’t do X enough or Y enough. That’s not the nature of an award.

a·ward verb (used with object)
1. To give as due or merited; assign or bestow: to award prizes.

An award is given. Let me say that one more time. An award is GIVEN. You may have done enough to earn an award. That doesn’t guarantee you will be given it.

I deserved it!

I dare say many have deserved it and not been granted MVP status. I thought I was one of those people. In 2004 I did a ton of crazy traveling and promotion for SQL Server 2005. I was a user group coordinator for two user groups almost 2 hours apart from each other. I sacrificed a lot. I felt I was entitled to the MVP award. I had been passed over before but this time I deserved it. I didn’t get it. Was I mad? Did I feel a bit betrayed? You bet I did. Why should someone that hangs out in a user forum all day be more worthy than me? I had a hard time accepting that I was passed over, AGAIN. It changed me. It changed my outlook on things. I sat back and evaluated why I was giving so much of my time supporting a product, made by one of the wealthiest software companies in the world, FOR FREE? Eventually, I realized it wasn’t the product or the company. I was supporting my career,  my desire to learn more and the people around me who also just wanted to learn as much as I did. So, for the most part I got over it. I quit flinching every time I was introduced as an MVP or former MVP. I stopped getting angry every time someone would say “I was sure you were an MVP!” I stopped letting my world revolve around achieving MVP status. Even though many of my friends and colleagues were current or former MVP’s. I just put it aside. I said if all the work I did in 2004 wasn’t enough then I can’t imagine how much more I could do, what else I could give up to prove I was MVP material. I just kept doing what I loved to do, working with a product I was passionate about teaching what I knew and learning from others whenever I could.

Being happy for others.

Eventually, I just got really zen about it. I watched others get the MVP and I was always happy for them. My favorite was when Jen McCown (@midnightdba) got her award. I watched it live on DBAs@Midnight. I was so happy for her I cried. I cheered at the screen and realized just how awesome Sean can be sometimes. I had several conversations about how Jen “came out of nowhere” and was awarded “early” in her efforts. Had Jen been community driven as long as I had? No. Did she take a sabbatical to have a family? Yes. Did she F**KING CRUSH IT when she got back in the swing of things? Oh hell yeah. She started blogging, recording videos and speaking in 2008. In January of 2011 she was awarded. She didn’t write a few blog posts. she wrote HUNDREDS. She didn’t record a few vids she (and Sean) started a live show on fridays. She was just everywhere, for TWO YEARS SOLID. To say just just popped fully into her MVP in 2011 is a great injustice to the amount of work she put in. Did others work harder during that time than Jen? Maybe, but I couldn’t name them.

I Finally made it.

When I was awarded last year I was unbelievably fortunate to be surrounded by my friends and the community I support. I was, and am, extremely humbled to be an awardee. Today, when I hadn’t received my nod, I was ready to pull the MVP logo from my intro slide and give the best presentation I possibly could. MVP or no MVP I love what I do. I love teaching. I love community. If I don’t get renewed next year it won’t change a thing. I will still travel on my dime, give my time and do my best. If you think that is “lip service” then I am sad for you. If not being an MVP keeps you from doing the things you love then maybe you really aren’t doing what you love.

We are all human.


It’s not wrong to want the MVP award. Its not wrong to work towards that goal. If you think you earned it and didn’t get it, thats your fault. You aren’t alone in the “I should be an MVP” club. As a former member I know just how bitter it can make you sometimes. If you want to earn something, go get your Microsoft Certified Master. It shows you are technically one of the best with SQL Server. You don’t have to speak, blog, record videos or hang out on the technet forums for years hoping to be recognised. If you work your ass off for it and you earn it Microsoft hands your certification right over.

For those of you who haven’t been awarded yet, please don’t stop trying. More importantly, don’t stop giving to the community who appreciates it more than Microsoft ever will. Realize you change lives when you teach others. Your and theirs.

So, now that I’ve ranted and rambled about the MVP what is it? Again, Jen wrote it up well.

SQL In The City: Austin

So, No SQL Saturday in Austin This Year.

I know a lot of folks were disappointed that we (POSSE) weren’t able to pull together in time for a SQL Saturday in Austin this year. We are shooting for a spring date and I’ll be posting more about that in the next couple of weeks.

SQL In The City To The Rescue!

Red Gate Software, a sponsor last year for Austin’s SQL Saturday, are doing something different. They have done a few of these events in the UK but they are taking it on the road! They have six events planned for us here in the states. We are one of the first stops in the tour. On October 1st they will be taking over the AT&T Executive Education Conference Center in down town Austin, TX. This is a first class facility.

So, Whats The Catch?

Pretty much the same catch as any other free training event. The exception to the model is there is only one vendor footing the bill. You still get some of the best training at any price and get to meet the Red Gate people that make some of the best tools for our platform. This isn’t a fluff marketing event. Red Gate has constantly and consistantly supported the community over the years. Between Simple Talk and and employing some of the smartest guys in our industry like Steve Jones and Grant Fritchey. To put it mildly, they have supported the community that supports them.

Great! So Tell Me More…

Besides myself, Steve and Grant they have invited a host of other smart speakers. Tim Radney is a chapter leader and PASS Regional Mentor and has been hitting the SQLSaturday circuit and is highly rated. Jim Murphy, someone who has become a good friend and fellow chapter leader in Austin running the CACTUSS Central group is a veteran with SQL Server and is also an excellent speaker. And my other friend and MVP Aaron Nelson will be on hand. We also have a .net veteran Rob Richardson joining our motley band. That’s on top of Red Gate insiders who build these ingeniously simple tools.

Now It’s Your Turn!

Go and register for SQL In The City Austin, TX today!

Demystifying SQL Server Differential Database Backups

Odd Man Out

SQL Server has three backup types. Two you have heard of and used. One, while useful, isn’t very well understood.

Let’s start with a technical recap of the three backup types for SQL Server.

1. Full Database Backup

When you request a full backup, SQL Server dumps all the data pages from your database, metadata about how your database is stored on disk and finally enough of the transaction log to bring the database back into a consistent state.  There are a few things you need to know about the full backup semantics. When you take a full backup it makes a few changes. Those changes are tracked in two places in the database and one in MSDB. The changes tracked in the database allow us to then use transaction log backups and differential database backups. The data logged to MSDB isn’t critical for restoring your backups. It does make it much easier to do so. Full backups are considered our “base” backup type. Every other backup type can use a full database backup as its base. Even though a full backup does capture some of the transaction log it doesn’t clear the log. If you are in simple mode, the normal checkpoint process will clear the log. If you are in bulk load or full recovery mode, you will need to take a transaction log backup to clear the log.

2. Transaction Log Backup

Transaction log backups are a critical part of any recovery plan. Without them you can’t restore up to the minute. If your database is in anything other than simple recovery mode, your only supported option to clear the log is a transaction log backup. Transaction log backups are serial by nature. The log restored depends on either a full or differential for its base and any log backups done before the current log you wish to apply.

3. Differential Database Backup

Like a full database backup, the differential backs up data pages and enough of the transaction log to bring the database back into a consistent state. Unlike full or transaction log backups, the differential backup captures all changes since the last full backup occurred. The information on changed data pages is stored internally in the database and doesn’t require any information from MSDB. The map of changed data pages only gets reset on the next full backup. Transaction log backups or other differential database backups will not reset the changed data map. You can think of transaction log backups as incremental backups. People coming from a systems administration background can get tripped up and treat differential backups like incremental backups. This can cause a significant waste of time when restoring your database since you only need to apply the full backup and the most current differential, or the differential you are interested in to get your database back into a recovered state.

Understanding Differential Database Backups

Most people are put off by the nature of differential backups mainly due to the amount of space they can grow to and the extra complexity they can add to your recovery plans. If you don’t manage them, you can quickly run into a differential that is larger than the full it is based on. Also, any data page alterations are tracked. For example, if you take a full backup then perform full index reorganization on a heavily fragmented index you can end up with very large differential backups. File shrinks with full reorganizations also have the same effect. Even though the actual data hasn’t changed, you end up with differential database backups that are unwieldy and difficult to manage. If you miss a full backup in your schedule, your differentials again may grow larger than your full backup.

There are several cases where differential database backups are a pivotal key to recovering your database quickly and with as little data loss as possible. Let’s take a look at a few scenarios.

Shortening Recovery Time

This alone should be good enough reason for you to investigate differential backups. Every restore operation has a cost-in-time associated to it. Remember, even if a transaction log backup is virtually empty, there is a cost-in-time to spool up and tear down the restore session for each log backup you apply. Not to mention replaying the transactions in the logs. In many cases, it can be much faster to apply a differential backup than applying multiple transaction log backups. By skipping all the data manipulation and just replacing the altered pages you are reducing the amount of IO required to restore.

Database in Simple Recovery Mode

There may be situations where you aren’t concerned with up-to-the-minute recovery but still need something better than weekly full backups to meet your recovery goals. Differentials fit in well here. By leveraging differential backups, you can take a single full once a week and daily differentials to cut down on the space needed to store your backups. Also, since differential backups contain all the changes since the last full, to recover you only need the full backup and the differential backup of the time interval you want to restore to. I recommend keeping your differentials just like you would your transaction log backups so if you need to recover your database into another environment or if you suffer corruption in one of your differentials, you still have as much data as possible to restore.

Large Database with Minimal Data Change

With today’s large disk capacities, it isn’t unusual to see multi-terabyte databases with years of data in them. Moving our full backup schedule out to every two weeks or every month and supplementing with differentials is an excellent way to conserve backup space and shorten time to recovery. Again, we only need the last full, the last differential and any transaction logs after the differential was taken to get us back up to the minute.

Increasing Recoverability

if you only take a full database backup once a week and transaction log backups every 15 minutes, you could end up applying over 670 logs to get your database back on line if you have a failure at the end of the week. If you have any errors in one of the transaction log backups, everything after that is pretty much useless to you. If it dies at backup 599, it may not be the end of your business. If it is log 38, it could mean a week’s worth of data gone. Since differential backups don’t break the LSN chain and transaction log backups don’t reset the changed data map, you can use either backup type even when one or the other may have had an error. Differentials allow us to bridge gaps in our transaction log since we can apply any transaction logs taken after the differential backup. This is one of the real strengths of differential backups. So, if you are doing weekly full backups, daily differential backups and transaction log backups every 15 minutes, you are covered in two ways. Normally, you would restore the full then the latest differential backup followed by any additional transaction logs. If you had a differential backup corrupted but your transaction logs, were fine you could still restore fully.

Repairing Log Shipping

Another great use of differentials is to repair your log shipped databases. If anything happens to the LSN chain, in most cases the only way to repair your log ship target is to start over again from a full and then apply all the logs to get it back up to current. If this is a large database or if there are a lot of transaction log backups to recover this could leave you exposed for quite a while. You can always take a differential backup, apply that to the log ship target then restart your log shipping from that point. I have used this technique successfully over the years when there have been network outages causing our log ship targets to fall way behind cutting catch up time from hours to minutes.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating differential backups will add complexity to your backup strategy but the benefits can be staggering. Between the storage savings and reduction in recovery time it’s clear that differential backups should be in your tool belt. I would also encourage you to practice restoring using your differential backups. Try out different failure scenarios like failed transaction logs or differential backups. Make sure you understand how to restore up to the minute and stop at a specific time now that you have differentials in the mix.

This is a re-blog from an article I wrote for SWWUG on April 19th 2012