Monthly Archives: February 2011

SQLSaturday #57 Houston, Smashing Success!

I attended and spoke at SQLSaturday #57, and it was an awesome event! Here are my notes and observations on the trip as a whole.

As always, I try to be in town on Friday night to do the speaker dinner. It’s always worth it. Even if you hate the food, resturant or the part of town the PEOPLE make it so worth wild. I always meet someone new and get to cultivate relationships that normally would only get some TLC at The Summit. To me SQLSaturday is a cheap way to keep my speaking skills sharp, educate some folks and get to spend quality time with a great group of people.

Friday night I got to do one of the things on my “bucket list”, guest on DBAs@Midnight with my friends Sean, Jen and Patrick. I’ve worked in broadcasting but it’s never easy to do. Sean and Jen put quite a bit of work into these weekly shows and being on the other side of the camera reminded me of that!

I was surprised at how nice the facilities were. It wasn’t what I had in mind when I saw it was at a church. It is always cool to see people looking to other communities besides the traditional venues for this kind of event. The food was awesome. Being a meat eater having hot brisket was a big plus for me! There were two things that will be corrected the next time around. Signage and room numbering. It wasn’t a huge deal just a rough spot in an otherwise flawless event.

You can download my slide deck here.

Again, thanks for putting on such a great event and allowing me to come speak!